What Have I Been Up To?

I haven't updated this blog lately, sorry. If you have been around my facebook page, you might have caught a few updates. Shock and Barrel are up on the website. Shock has even been tested, so that is awesome! Adult MacCready has made his appearance on the page! Also, TheNightMotherWrites made a set throw pillows from my Fallout 4 Factions cross stich patterns, which is AMAZING! I've also been plugging away at my scrap quilt. I'm a bit more than half way there (~60/91 scrap block and ~70/91 solid blocks). Of course, I have decided to make a few jelly roll lap quilts once I am done with that... or maybe while I'm working on that because... why not? I'm also thinking about trying the shop function on Ko-Fi to list a pattern (made in EQ, not QA) or two for sale. This is just a trial... I'm not sure how well it will work and I am just in the planning stages at this point. It is something I have wanted to do for ages with my weebly site, but I would have to bump u...