Tiny Preview

I have been working on a few little sewing projects, but what I want to show you are 2 patterns I have in the works for a tattoo themed quilt block collection I have had buzzing in my brain for a while. These are probably the easiest ones: 2 Nautical Stars.

I tried for a long time to create these in EQ7... and OMG, it was like pulling teeth. From what I can figure out, they have no radial symmetry tool, and this is what this kind of design is built off of. I ended up doing it in Quilting Assistant and banged them both out in 20 minutes. I think I am just going to have to figure out how to export block to EQ7 and then publish them from there some how (so I can finally try and possibly charge for my original works). It amazes me how much functionality a free software program has vs one that costs buttloads.

I hope this summer to publish more of in my Tim Burton blocks, I should have more time. I also need to figure out how to get some bras on the clothesline to go with my undies! I have taken up writing lately, so that has been the focus of my free time (what little there is).


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