Compression Sheets

I improvised a couple of compression sheets for my kids out of some spandex/knit fabric they picked online that was on sale. Only ran into two issues.

1. If you let a toddler pick out a fabric sight-unseen, they tend to accidentally pick ones with sparkles on them (sparkles are a bit on the scratchy side).
2. I ended up making them a bit too wide, so I ended up doing that seam twice . (I took one in about 8 inches total, the other about 6). I think that is actually a good thing, because that means I can let it out if they like them and it can grow with them.

Total cost? About $40 and maybe 20-30 (including cutting... I got 3 yards, even though I could have probably gotten away with 2, but now I have extra to make some shorts or something)
If I got the same kinda thing from Amazon, it would have been $100+

Not too shabby!


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