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I have not been lazy, but I have a lot of things that are not quite ready to see the light of day. I finally updated my "Other Blocks" section of my website.. but I wanted to show them off here too. Here I can talk a little bit about each one and the progress that needs to happen before I can send them out into the great interwebs.

First up I have a small update with my Corpse Bride: Black Widow. My kind tester gave me a little bit of feedback and I have updated the pattern (the current one is still fine, I just combined two pieces) but I have yet to turn it into a proper PDF. That work must be done at night after the munchkins go to bed and I can use my home computer to do this stuff. Anyway, here is the tested piece!

Next are some Harley Quinn themed easy geometric blocks. They will go together to make the larger quilt I hinted at last time I blogged. I actually have these printed out at home because I want to get my skills on par so I can make a full scale quilt myself.... but that might be a long way off. As for the pattern, it just needs to be exported and put into a PDF.

I was inspired by a block in another facebook quilting group I am in... so I just ran with it. It is a series of optical illusion octagonal blocks. I can't decide which one I like the best, but I hope to finish these up and get them on the site soon too. Again, all that needs to happen to these it to be exported and put into a PDF. They should be pretty easy to do and I think they have the potential to be really eye catching.

Another batch of patterns I have been doing are MUCH more involved. The first is a total redesign of the Joker and Harley piece. It is a simple as I can get it.  I have it all designed and the pattern pieces assigned, but the log jam on this project is sitting down and writing down the piecing instructions. As you can imagine, writing it all out is going to be REALLY brain bending and time consuming. THEN I have to export/PDF it. For right now you can just look at it and dream. It will definitely be on the "extremely high difficult" level when it come to your quilting level, but I think it is going to be a show stopper!

Another highly detailed piece is my Alien project, less so is my Silence of the Lambs Death's Head Moth. They have stalled, and I fear I may have to redesign them. I have been gaining more working knowledge of piecing, which leads me to rethink and redesign some of my more ambitious pieces. If I find the time I will have to sit down with this piece and see if I have to do that. I don't want to put up needlessly complicated or confusing work.

My last project, which has gotten no attention is my Tarot series. I think this is the bunch I am going to want to test out Electric Quilt 7 (if I ever get it)... so I haven't really touched it. I think there is enough on my plate at the moment.

As for my Traditional Tattoo blocks... the artist never got back with me, even after I tried to contact him several times. That really bums me out. I guess I will have to try and find another artist who might be willing to work with me. I was really excited to work with someone local and that was willing to throw me a bone by doing some free work... but I suppose that was too good to last. If you know anyone who might be willing to work with me, feel free to let me know! I am also working on a fidget quilt for the local hospital's geropsychiatric unit. I hope to take some photos and post those for my next update, along with some more curtains I have made.

Man, that was a long update! Hope you enjoyed it and let me know which project/quilt blocks are your favorites!


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